Building Blocks Technologies was formed and hit the ground running in 2020, which was a great year for firmly establishing our baseline.
In 2021, we will be launching two products: Blockchain Opportunity Analysis (BOA), which is a public-facing, data analysis of the blockchain space. This product leverages off of the ML/NLP/DataAnalytics framework that we built for our in-house, forward looking view of the blockchain space. This product will launch at the end of Q2.
The second product we will be launching in 2021 is Stakey. Stakey is a tooling solution for Financial Tracking, Analysis and Reporting for the Proof of Stake (PoS) economy. We will initially focus on the ETH 2.0 validator community with a big picture view of expanding to support a dozen or more PoS networks. Stakey is scheduled to be released in Q4.
In addition to our 2 product launches, in 2021, we will be expanding our development and consultation services. Building Blocks Technologies is now very well positioned to become the "go to" source for projects that can't afford to fail. Our positioning in this regard is built on our in-house data analytics analysis, coupled with our in-house training of technologists to meet the demands of this thriving and vibrant community.
The following is a summary of our 2021 Roadmap. Below the 2021 Roadmap, is our 2020 roadmap, which we are happy to say we executed to plan!
Q1 2021
BOA: Build out static front end for Blockchain Opportunity Analysis (Done!)
BOA: UX design for interactive portion (Done!)
BOA: Index and Retrieval of analysis data (Done!)
BOA: Launch static user-facing website (blockopps.io) (Done!)
Stakey : POC Design and Build for ETH 2.0
Stakey: Collect validator balance data (Done!)
Stakey: Collect time accurate pricing information from 2 or more sources (Done!)
Stakey: Correlate and Index balance data, pricing data (Done!)
Stakey: Deploy components to cloud server (Done!)
Stakey: UX design and testing for ETH 2.0 specific front end (Done!)
Q2 2021
BOA: Build out and Launch interactive portion
BOA: UX and design for native job postings
BOA: Add additional data sources
BOA: "Biz Dev"
Stakey: POC --> Production Design and Development
Stakey: Prod Architecture Design
Stakey: Development for BackEnd components
Stakey: Development for Database
Stakey: Initial API for data retrieval
Dev and Consultation: development for 1 small DeFi client
Q3 2021
BOA: Build and launch natively hosted job board ads
BOA: Expand data collection and analysis
Stakey: Front end Design
Stakey: Development for Basic Front End
Stakey: Stitch together full pipeline
Stakey: Data coverage verification for Eth 2.0
Stakey: Begin development for additional networks
Dev and Consultation: In-house skills building via Bootcamp using in-house training materials
Q4 2021:
BOA: Continue to collect and incorporate user feedback
BOA: Ideate and plan advanced features
Stakey: Soft launch of ETH2.0 product
Stakey: Product upgrades as necessary based on client feedback from the initial launch
Stakey: Continued development for 1 or more networks beyond ETH 2.0
Dev and Consultation: Continue to broaden both our client base and our ability to responds as team to the needs of the community
Q1 2020:
Identify funding opportunities that are in line with the Building Blocks mission that could help to launch the company. Pursue as appropriate. (DONE! Proposal submitted to National Science Foundation)
Begin building strategic relationships. (DONE!)
Develop beta crawler/indexer/ML/NLP process (DONE!)
Based on our ML/NLP analysis, select an initial set of industry vectors on which to focus (DONE!)
Based on the industry vectors, define an initial technology skill set on which to focus (DONE!)
Q2 2020:
Team building: collaborate with and/or recruit technologists to join the team (DONE!)
InHouse team of 9 Engineers on board as technology collaborators.
Team skills spread across Machine Learning, NLP, Data Analytics, and Backend Generalists
Begin building in-house capabilities to execute technology development on the skills identified for the vectors identified. (DONE!)
InHouse training on Blockchain basics
InHouse training on Cryptographic Primitives
InHouse training on Smart Contract Development with emphasis on Security and Best Practices.
Q3 and Q4 2020:
Begin R&D activities for tooling solutions and smart contracts (DONE!)
Begin contacting potential clients in our identified verticals (DONE!)
Begin securing and executing contracts (In Progress, Contract execution to begin in Q1)
Begin building reputation for being the "go to" solution for targeted blockchain development tasks
Continue adaptive feedback loop of the following (DONE!)
Collecting data
Analyzing industry trends
Building in-house skills to respond to industry demand
Securing and executing contracts