Summer 2020 Internship Team Kickoff!
Welcome and Introductions
Summary of Interviews and Team Selection
Team Logistics
Overall Technical Objectives
Project Kickoffs
Summary of Interviews and Team Section:
~40 Emails of Interest, ~32 invited to interviews, ~28 completed interview
Very high concentration in ML/NLP/Data Analytics, with Python far away #1 skill
No UX/UI. No FrontEnd specifically. Even Data Science people had little interest in visualization
As a result, team mix is a little different than what was on the internship web page
2 Machine Learning : Lu and Prakhar
1 Data Analytics / Data Science: Nikhil
1 NLP: Leon
1 Business Development Engineer: Kavi
1 Blockchain Data Extraction: Kaushik
1 Blockchain Oracle/Exchange collection: Sammy
2 Development/Blockchain Generalists (DeFi, DAO, IoT...): Khushi, Parul
We are left with a few holes!
Data Collection -- The Crawler
This is going to be our first problem to conquer as a Team!!! (more later...)
UX/UI/Visualization for Blockchain Opportunity Analysis project
Team Logistics:
100% remote, distributed team. Time Zones are India + every TZ in Continental US.
Other than pre-scheduled meetings, demos and planning, hours are 100% flexible -- work where you want, when you want!
Everyone has signed agreement. Please respect privacy of Building Blocks and Teammates
Spreadsheet Contact info and Emergency Contact. Add to Slack?
Working agreements to loosely specify communication expectations (24 hours?)
We will follow 2 week "sprints", complete with internal demos
Suggest Tuesday as planning/demo day
Planning for the first sprint will be this week in conjunction with Project Kickoffs
First demo will be on June 23rd
Demo will be followed by planning for the next Sprint
Personal, one-on-ones with Barb every other week, but available in Slack every day!
Peer-to-peer one-on-ones every week
Would like to do round-robin, not just people on the same project
At the end of 8 weeks, we should all know each other!!!
Dedicated Slack channel for team collaboration -- Please Participate!
Final demo on August 7
Overview of Technical Objectives:
Team Member Specific:
Team Work and Collaboration
Planning and execution as a group of technologists
Honing and advancing skills in chosen area of technology
Building Blocks Technologies:
Laying the groundwork to execute the Business Model:
- Laying the ground work to execute the Company Mission:
ML/NLP predictive view of blockchain space (https://www.buildingblockstechnologies.io/ml-nlp-data-anlytics-loop)
Data analytics to answer questions and converge on a focus
Industries, skills, opportunities...
In-house building of skills (Data Extraction, DeFi, Blockchain specific development)
Business plan for cohesive summary of objectives and a roadmap to achieve those objectives
Git Repo: https://github.com/BuildingBlocksTechnologies
Everyone has been added
We will need to define and agree on process
Slack workspace: buildingblock-x3w7623.slack.com
#introductions -- Please introduce yourself!
#blockhain-edu: please share input/feedback on videos, articles, etc
#crawler: for those of us tackling this issue!
Add spreadsheet with contact info / emergency contact info?
Add as appropriate!
Google Documents? IDK
Video Training Spreadsheet
Contact / Emergency
Working Agreements
Video Training (Starting Point!) : Full spreadsheet will be available by June 16th (1 Week)
- Only recommending Free Sessions. Look for "Enroll for Free" option!
Good beginner of overview of blockchain for Everyone
Engineering/Developer Technical content for Cryptographic Hash Functions, Digital Sigs, etc
Start with Chapter 1; 6 videos, all of interesting for developers/engineers!
Blockchain and AI, related to Fintech
Week #1 is worthwhile as an overview
Week #3 covers AI as a pillar of the "fintech revolution"
Proof Of Stake Summit:
Project Kickoffs:
Each project will have a kickoff this week.
Core members of the project will figure out a day/time
Day/Times/Zoom links will be published in Slack
All members of the team are invited to All kickoffs. However, non-core members should minimize participation in the meeting and save questions/comments for Slack and/or one-off meetings
Objective of the kickoff:
Agree on requirements
Record Major milestones
Sprint #1 tasking/goals
Business Development : Kavi, Sometime on Tuesday
- Blockchain Opportunity Analysis: Leon, Lu, Prakhar, Nikhil
- 1 meeting with everyone
- Separate meetings to go through the specifics of each set of data for
- ML
- Data Analytics
- Blockchain Data Extraction: Kaushik, Sammy
- Development/Blockchain Generalists: Khushi, Parul
One of the major sources of the data!
At a minimum, we need to do SOME of the things on this page:
(encoding, proxy, PDFs, parsing issue)
Many people with some java
Attempt to solve in-house
Get help from some other source. Friends, Slack, remotestudents, etc
Have Fun!